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Start your journey

It's easy to get started on your journey to a healthier, happier and better rested life.

Our breathing basics course is completely free. It's a 4-day course which will teach you the fundamentals of good breathing. Over the 4 days we will measure your current breathing behavior and recommend a longer term personalized training course tailored to your needs.

Scientist looking at breathing data

1Learn the basics of healthy breathing

Enjoy our 4-day breathing basics course.

Completely free
Backed by science
Learn important breathing techniques
Phone showing breathing exercises for sleep report

2Get your breathing behaviour report

On days 3 and 4 of the breathing basics course we will measure how well you currently breathe and deliver you a report.

Completely free
Learn how well you currently breathe
Compare with expected values
woman carrying giant key

3Unlock your personalised training

If you would benefit from further training, we will create a longer term personlized course to help you achieve your goals.

Monthly $9.99
Annual $79.99
Lifetime $199.99