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COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Here at breathesimple we are determined to help where we can in the global fight against COVID-19.

As COVID-19 continues to challenge many countries, we are starting to understand the long term affects of the virus and the demands on future medical services. A significant fraction of patients discharged from hospital could be left with lung scarring, known as pulmonary fibrosis and other forms of irreversible lung damage. Studies in China, Korea and others suggest this fraction may be over 50%. Experts such as Johns Hopkins University physical therapist, Peiting Lien, believe that recovering lost lung function is possible but can require therapy and exercises for months after the infection is treated. Lien states, “Working toward recovery starts simple: with a focus on breathing,” Lien offers a series of breathing exercises to aid in recovery for those who had COVID-19. But, sadly, treatment is unavailable for the majority because of the lack of available skilled resources.

While not replacing direct access to a personal therapist, the breathesimple App can promote better use of the diaphragm leading to enhanced breathing health and efficiency. The training can also improve breathing control and resilience to stress.

So, we are making breathesimple breath training completely free for those suffering or recovering from COVID-19.

Download the breathesimple App now to get started.

female scientists analysing covid symptoms