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Clinical trials

breathesimple’s courses are based on the results of multiple clinical studies published in peer review scientific journals. Here is a small selection from the most relevant examples and references.

Sleep disturbed breathing

Breath training has been found to reduce symptoms of sleep disturbed breathing including chronic snoring and sleep apnea. breathesimple funded an independent study to test these findings. 14 subjects completed six weeks of 20 minutes daily training. Overall quality of life and daytime alertness increased by 10% and 19% respectively. Apnea events dropped by 28% and chronic snoring dropped by 85%. See also: “Obstructive sleep apnoea and breathing retraining”, Birch M., Aust Nurs J. 2004 Aug;12(2):27-9

Improving breathing habits has been shown to be effective in other health areas.  Here are some examples of additional clinical evidence.


Stress Management and PTSD Relief. Slow relaxed breathing calms an over-active “fight or flight” nervous system response. See “Panic disorder, autonomic nervous system and dissociation - changes during therapy.” Prasko J, et. al. Neuro. Endocrinol. Lett. 2011;32(5):641-51.

Asthma alleviation

Multiple clinical trials show that breath training can help sufferers. Benefits may include a decrease in attack intensity and reduction in reliever inhaler use by two or more times daily. See: “Breathing Exercises and/or Retraining Techniques in the Treatment of Asthma: Comparative Effectiveness,” O’Connor E, et. al. US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2012 Sep. Report No.: 12-EHC092-EF.

Nicotine withdrawal

Poor breathing control, typical of chronic smokers, can be improved with breathing exercises which can double the chance of withdrawal success. See for example, “The effects of controlled deep breathing on smoking withdrawal symptoms in dependent smokers”, McClernon FJ et. al., Addict Behav. 2004 Jun;29(4):765-72. “Predictors of smoking relapse among self-quitters”, A. J. Garvey Addict. Behaviors, 17. pp. 367-377, 1992, “Breath-holding endurance as a predictor of success in smoking cessation”, P. J. Hajek, et. al. Addict. Behav., 12, pp. 285-288, 1987 “The effects of controlled deep breathing on smoking withdrawal symptoms in dependent smokers”, F. J. McLernon, et. al., Addict. Behav., 29 pp. 765–772, 2004

Sports Training

Breath training improves sports performance by improving breathing efficiency and reducing anxiety during competitions. Sleep quality also has a direct impact on sports performance. For more details see: “Changes in Respiratory Parameters and Fin-Swimming Performance Following a 16-Week Training Period with Intermittent Breath Holding”, Vasileios Stavrou et. al , Journal of Human Kinetics volume 49/2015, 89-98, “Implementing a Breathing Technique to Manage Performance Anxiety in Softball”, L Garza, M S Ford, Sports Exercise Science, Sports Studies and Sports Psychology, April 2009, “Sleep extension improves serving accuracy: A study with college varsity tennis players”. Schwartz J, Simon R D Jr. Physiol Behav. 2015 Nov 1;151:541-4.

Scientist looking at breathing data